
Other Arts Resouces

Below are listed organizations who support Heartland Arts financially and/or by promoting our events. Heartland Arts continues to be grateful for their participation.

The Armory Arts and Events Center

201 Park Avenue South

Park Rapids, MN 56470

(218) 237-3722

Email:  jkjenaas@parkrapidsarmory.org

Website    Facebook

City of Park Rapids Arts and Culture Advisory Commission

212 2nd Street West

Park Rapids, MN 56470

(218) 732-3163

Email: city.admin@ci.park-rapids.mn.us

Website    Facebook

Creative Minnesota

661 LaSalle Street #200

St. Paul, MN 55114

Email: staff@artsmn.org


Heartland Lakes Community Calendar


Heartland Lakes Development Commission & The Hangar

100 8th Street East

Park Rapids, MN 56470

(218) 732-2256

Website    Facebook

Hubbard County Historical Museum

301 Court Ave

Park Rapids, MN 56470

(218) 732-5237

Website    Facebook

Minnesota Citizens for the Arts

661 LaSalle Street #220

St. Paul, MN 55114

(651) 251-0868

Email: staff@artsmn.org

Website    Facebook

Park Rapids Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce

1204 Park Ave. South

Park Rapids, MN 56470

(218) 732-4111

Email: chamber@parkrapids.com

Website    Facebook

Region 2 Arts Council

505 Bemidji Avenue North

Bemidji, MN 56601

Email: staff@r2arts.org

Website    Facebook

group of people

The arts thrive with the support of everyone in our community.

Support Heartland Arts in our mission to promote arts and art education.